
Regularization of ready-made foods, ingredients, additives and co-adjuvants of technology: With control of the Brazilian food legislation, your company will have its products properly regulated in Brazil, whether they are Anvisa or Map competencies.

New ingredients and new claims: Biovisa is able to help you innovate in Brazil.

Elaboration of labeling words: Experience in the elaboration of labels and nutrition table. We also review the statements of your labels, brochures and websites, assisting in addition to the regulatory, marketing and sales department of your company.

Regularization of companies: We help you to start your activities in Brazil, including international industries that
want to export animal products to Brazil and need to be qualified by MAPA.

Feasibility and weaknesses assessment: We study your product, ingredient and formula so that when you market it you are guaranteed that it is in accordance with Brazilian legislation. We also give all scientific support to regulate your product/ingredient.

Participation in discussions and meetings: We attend the main meetings and discussions on food regularization. We accompany and provide all necessary support to schedule and attend meetings at Anvisa, MAPA or any other body of interest.

Courses and training: We give courses, including virtual and in company for companies that want to further qualify their team of regulatory affairs.

Regulatory guidelines: We help your company to understand Brazilian laws and leave your company and its products in accordance with current regulations. We carry out a previous regulatory study of new products, and offer all the interpretation and knowledge necessary for the regulatory, marketing and commercial area of your company.

Protocols: We help your company in the document / process protocols, including electronic protocols, in the local agencies located in Brasilia / DF. Send your documentation by mail and we can print, assemble and / or just submitt it for you.

Fixed monthly service: depending on the need of your company we offer a package of services specific and personalized for you.